Frequent questions

Frequent questions

I have not received my purchase confirmation

The confirmation of your purchase arrives immediately to the email that you have left us in contact with, be sure to check the Spam, Junk or other tray of your email as it is possible that it arrived there. If it is not found, just let us know your full name and contact telephone number in any of our service channels so we can review it together. Why does the confirmation arrive in the Spam, Junk or Others tray?
Your email security filters the emails you speak to most frequently and those that are completely new tend to go to the reference inboxes. So you can add us as a contact or simply check that our responses arrive in your main inbox.

I already received my order number, now what do I do?

Once you have received your order number, you just have to wait for our email with the generation of the tracking number so you can check the status of your order. Keep in mind that the generation is automatic and when you receive it, the Postal system may not yet be updated, so we ask you to try again within the next 5 business days.

I received my tracking number but no information appears or it appears as nonexistent or lost.

As indicated in point 3, you received your tracking number that was generated automatically so it may not be updated on the official platform, so we share indicative search platforms to be able to consult the movement. We recommend starting tracking on the following business days.

Where do you send my orders?

We send them by Post Office, if you want to track your order number you can do it at
In your first search, information such as “pending deposit” “pre-registered” or others may appear, don't worry, it is the same one that appears by default when created. You will be able to find out more information about the delivery and/or estimate in the following business days.

Why haven't I received my order?

If we have confirmed your order # and tracking #, it means that your order is in progress and we are respecting the established times. If you have questions you can read our shipping section and more at
If we are outside the established deadlines, do not hesitate to let us know your concern with your order # to